Off the Beaten Path!
With Uncle
- BB's Grocery
Outlet Bents, Bumps & Bunch of Bargins - In Quarryville,
PA in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
- Biblical Tabernacle Reproduction Visit the
fullsize reproduction of Moses' Tabernacle in the Wilderness - US 30 just east
of Lancaster, PA
- Country Variety Store A very interesting
Amish variety store - In Airville, PA in York County,
- Goll's Bakery A traditional, old time bakery
- In Havre de Grace, MD in Harford County, Maryland
- Good's Store An old time department store -
In Quarryville, PA in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
- Historic Port Royal A historic colonial port
town in Virginia where a woman's sense of propriety saved her
- Miller's Natural Foods An Amish natural foods
store with the best price on blueberries anywhere. Bird-In-Hand,
- Pleasant Valley Country Store An Amish
country store where the light comes from God.
- Save-Mor Store - An Uncle Joey
Favorite - A grocery store specializing in various grains in New Holland, PA in
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Great places to visit
with your family
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January 2, 2017