Off the Beaten Path!
With Uncle
- Artic Circle Drive-In
- In Churchville, Maryland
- Beck's Ice Cream
Parlor - In York, Pennsylvania
- Broom's
Bloom Dairy - In Bel Air, Maryland
- Carman's Homemade Ice
Cream - Still serving ice cream in
those little paper cups! - In Loganville, Pennsylvania - just off I
- Handel's
Homemade Fresh Daily Ice Cream - In York,
- HayLoft Candles -
Homemade Ice Cream - Imagine $1.00 a dip ice cream - In
Leola, Pennsylvania
- Jarrettsville
Creamery - An Uncle Joey
Favorite- In Jarrettsville, Maryland
- Jim Mack's Ice
Cream - Between Hellam & Wrightville, PA on PA Rt.
- Jolly Trolley
- In Dushore, PA in northcentral Pennsylvania
- Leola - FREEZE &
FRIZZ - In Leola, PA - just north of Lancaster, PA on PA 24 - Home of the Backyard Blanket Movie Theater.
- Snow Shack - In
Jarrettsville, Maryland - Rt. 165, Just north of the main
- Stewart's Drive-In
- In eastern Baltimore County, Maryland on US 40
- Sweet Willows
Creamery - An Uncle Joey
Favorite - 2812 East Prospect Rd, in York, PA - just off of
I-83 at Exit 18 East -(PA 124).
Great places to visit
with your family
Contact Us

February 9, 2010